Wednesday 11 September 2013

Call for postcard drawing - talent donation

Have you thought about giving your drawing a charitable purpose?

For our group's London Project, we focus on the key words: charity and donation, and we like to invite you to donate your talent to the Trinity Hospice Charity Shop (Kensington branch, W8 4LL, sorry for the wrong post code in the handout). This charity shop is based on a central and south west London community about end of life care.  (chick here for further information for this organization - )

we will provide the blank postcard for you to draw on (if you submit a digital image we will try to print it out). We are talking to the shop manager about holding a small exhibition in the shop to sell the postcards. All revenue will be donated to the charity shop.

Deadline of the postcard submission: Monday, 16/09/2013
No topics limited, but please think about the sale potential.

Further information or blank postcard obtain(in person):
Ingee Chuang 
Jihong Yeom
Yiran Huang

Further information or digital image submission:
Yiran Huang

Thanks and all the best

Donation & Charity London Project Group

 the Trinity Hospice Charity Book Shop

 the Trinity Hospice Charity Book Shop

The sample of digital and hand drawing postcard

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