Thursday 29 August 2013

How to use blog - introduction and tip

RCA - 2013 Pre-sessional Course Blog 
How to use

If you put this website address, you will see this blog.

2. 'Sign in' hyperlink is located top-right corner. Please click it.

3. The blog was set up by using google service. So you will see the google login page.
ID :  PW : I told you in mail.

4. Put 'rca.pre2013'. You do not have to put rest of ''. and click 'sign in'

 5. Then you will see this page below. If you click yellow pencil button, you can write new post. If you click document icon next to pencil, you will see the overview of blog and you can change the setting of the blog. I am sure many of you are good at setup and design blog like this. Please feel free to change design and setting for improvement.

6. If you see on the top-right corner. Now you can see you are signed in.

7. Please feel free to write anything you want. About class, movie, friends, London or essay you wrote about the movie if you want to share.

8. Please click 'publish' after finish writing or uploading pictures.

9. You will see 'London Project' or 'Harriet's Class' next to title of the post. It is called 'tag'. In Blogger service there is no menu function. After writing, If you write 'London Project' you will see that on the right side of blog. see NO.10. It can be multiple labels or single one. It works like a menu function that categorize and sort each contents. So far I put only two tags, yet. You can just click previous tag that already used. 

10. You will see the tag on the right side of the menu.

11. I tried to set up many different type of blog - wordpress, jux, tumblr... But Blogger is easier to use for beginner and group. If you have any better Idea please share. It is wiki-blog. Everyone of you is master of this blog.



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